The Templar cards

Blessed CloakBasicSkill1Gain 6 (9) Block. thetemplar:Blessing: Gain 3 additional Block.
DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
Righteous BlowBasicAttack2 (1)Deal 9 damage. thetemplar:Inscribe 1 thetemplar:Justice.
StrikeBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage.
Blessed StrikeCommonAttack1Deal 9 (10) damage. thetemplar:Blessing: Deal 3 (6) additional damage.
Courageous AttackCommonAttack1Deal 9 (12) damage. thetemplar:Blessing: thetemplar:Inscribe 1 thetemplar:Valor.
Devoted StrikeCommonAttack1Deal 8 (12) damage. thetemplar:Blessing: reduce the cost of a random card in your hand to 0 this turn.
EndureCommonSkill1Gain 7 (10) Block. thetemplar:Blessing: Draw 2 cards.
FervorCommonSkill1Draw 1 (2) card(s), then Exhaust 1 card. thetemplar:Inscribe 1 thetemplar:Zeal.
Fire of ConvictionCommonAttack0Deal 5 (9) damage. thetemplar:Inscribe 1 thetemplar:Zeal. Exhaust.
Holy StrikeCommonAttack0Deal 4 (6) damage. Whenever you thetemplar:Inscribe a thetemplar:Zeal or thetemplar:Valor, return this from the discard pile to your Hand.
HymnCommonSkill1If you have a glyph thetemplar:Inscribed, thetemplar:Inscribe an additional glyph of that type.(Otherwise, thetemplar:Inscribe a random glyph.)
MomentumCommonAttack2Deal 10 damage. Vigor is not consumed by this card and affects it 2 (3) times.
RallyCommonSkill1thetemplar:Inscribe 1 thetemplar:Valor and 1 thetemplar:Fortitude. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
RebuffCommonSkill1Gain 8 (11) Block. Put the next card you play this turn on top of your draw pile.
RebukeCommonSkill1thetemplar:Inscribe 1 (2) thetemplar:Justice.
Reckless SweepCommonAttack1Deal 8 (12) damage to ALL enemies. thetemplar:Inscribe 1 thetemplar:Zeal. Gain 1 Frail.
RedoubtCommonSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block. thetemplar:Inscribe 1 thetemplar:Fortitude.
SanctuaryCommonSkill1Gain 6 (9) Block. thetemplar:Blessing: thetemplar:Inscribe 1 thetemplar:Charity.
Shield BashCommonAttack1Gain 4 (6) thetemplar:Bulwark. Deal damage equal to your thetemplar:Bulwark.
SkirmishCommonAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage. thetemplar:Inscribe 1 thetemplar:Fortitude.
Wait for an OpeningCommonAttack1Deal 7 (10) damage. If the enemy does NOT intend to attack, deal 7 (10) damage again.
Word of PowerCommonAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage. Draw 1 card for each unique glyph type thetemplar:Inscribed this combat.
AlmsUncommonSkill1Draw 2 (3) cards. thetemplar:Inscribe 1 thetemplar:Charity.
AltarUncommonPower2 (1)If you have a non-Zeal glyph thetemplar:Inscribed at the end of your turn, thetemplar:Inscribe 1 additional glyph of that type.
AwakeningUncommonSkill0Gain 3 (6) Block. If you have triggered a thetemplar:Blessing this turn, draw 2 cards.
BastionUncommonSkill2Gain 14 (18) thetemplar:Bulwark. Exhaust.
Battle TacticsUncommonPower1If you have played exactly 1 Attack during your turn, thetemplar:Inscribe 1 (2) thetemplar:Justice at the end of your turn.
BeseechUncommonSkill1 (0)Choose Attack or Skill. Add a random Upgraded card of that type to your hand. Exhaust. thetemplar:Blessing: it costs 0 this turn.
Blades of the FallenUncommonAttack2Ethereal. Deal 5 damage 3 (4) times. Ignores Block.
Calculated StrikeUncommonAttack2Deal 12 (16) damage. If this is the only attack in your hand, deal double damage.
Celestial BurstUncommonAttack1Deal 10 damage. thetemplar:Blessing: draw 2 (3) cards.
Cleansing RiteUncommonPower1 (0)At the end of your turn, Exhaust 1 random Curse or Status card. If you do, thetemplar:Inscribe 1 thetemplar:Charity.
Desperate PrayerUncommonSkill0Choose a card in your hand and discard the rest. The chosen card (costs 0 and) always triggers thetemplar:Blessing this turn.
Determined ChargeUncommonAttack2Deal 10 (14) damage. thetemplar:Inscribe 2 thetemplar:Fortitude.
Divine PurposeUncommonPower1(Innate.)At the start of your turn, thetemplar:Inscribe 1 thetemplar:Zeal.
Etch in FaithUncommonSkill1Choose a glyph to thetemplar:Inscribe. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
FanaticismUncommonSkill0thetemplar:Inscribe 1 (2) thetemplar:Zeal. Exhaust.
Fearless AssaultUncommonAttack1Deal 9 (12) damage. If the enemy is thetemplar:Empowered, thetemplar:Inscribe 1 (2) thetemplar:Valor.
GallantryUncommonPower2At the start of your turn, if any enemies are thetemplar:Empowered, gain 2 (3) temporary Strength and 2 (3) temporary Dexterity.
Gather CourageUncommonSkill1thetemplar:Inscribe 1 (2) thetemplar:Valor. Grant 1 temporary Strength to ALL enemies. Exhaust.
Heroic StandUncommonSkill1Gain 7 (10) Block. If any enemy is thetemplar:Empowered, gain twice as much.
Holy LightUncommonSkill0Gain 2 (3) temporary Strength and 2 (3) temporary Dexterity.
Imbued ArmorUncommonSkillXGain 3 (5) Vigor and 4 (6) Block X times.
InnervateUncommonSkill0Gain [E]. thetemplar:Blessing: gain additional [E] ([E]).
Light of GloryUncommonAttack6Costs 1 less [E] for each glyph you thetemplar:Inscribe this combat. Deal 24 (32) damage.
Protective BlessingUncommonPower1Gain 4 (6) Block whenever you trigger a thetemplar:Blessing.
ProvidenceUncommonSkill1Draw 2 cards, then put a card from your hand on top of your draw pile. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.) thetemplar:Blessing: it costs 0 until played.
RadianceUncommonAttack1Deal 6 damage. Deals 2 (3) additional damage for ALL your cards with thetemplar:Blessing.
ReckoningUncommonAttack2Deal 10 (15) damage. thetemplar:Inscribe 2 thetemplar:Justice.
Resolute WillUncommonPower1Increase the effect of thetemplar:Justice and thetemplar:Fortitude by 3 (4).
RespiteUncommonSkill1Gain 15 (20) Block. Grant 2 Metallicize to ALL enemies. Exhaust.
RetributionUncommonPower1Whenever you are attacked, gain 3 (5) Vigor.
Shields of the FallenUncommonSkill1Ethereal. Gain 5 (8) thetemplar:Bulwark. Draw a card.
TemperanceUncommonSkill1Discard a card. If you have no attacks in hand, gain 14 (18) Block.
Thrill of BattleUncommonAttack1Deal 4 (6) damage. Gain Vigor equal to the unblocked damage dealt.
TitheUncommonSkill0Lose 10 gold. Gain 2 (3) Regen. thetemplar:Inscribe 1 thetemplar:Charity. Exhaust.
UnwaveringUncommonSkill2Gain 6 (8) Block. Gain 6 (8) thetemplar:Bulwark.
AegisRarePower2thetemplar:Holy_Weapon. Gain 2 (4) thetemplar:Bulwark at the start of your turn. At the end of your turn, deal damage equal to your thetemplar:Bulwark to a random enemy.
ArbiterRareAttackXthetemplar:Inscribe X (X+1) thetemplar:Justice. Deal 5 damage to ALL enemies.
AvengerRareAttack2Deal 10 (16) damage to ALL enemies. thetemplar:Blessing: deals 12 additional damage.
Book of the FiveRarePower2thetemplar:Holy_Weapon. The first 2 (3) times you thetemplar:Inscribe a glyph each turn, thetemplar:Inscribe an additional glyph of the same type.
CrusaderRareAttack2Deal 18 (25) damage. thetemplar:Blessing: Gain [E] [E].
DragonslayerRareAttack2Deal 15 (20) damage. If the enemy is thetemplar:Empowered, deal double damage.
Flame of HeavenRarePower2thetemplar:Holy_Weapon. Every time you play 5 cards in a single turn, gain 4 (6) Block and add a (an Upgraded) Fire of Conviction to your hand.
Hope EternalRareSkill1This turn, your next Attack or Skill is played twice. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.) thetemplar:Blessing: draw a card.
King SwordRarePower2thetemplar:Holy_Weapon. Your Attacks apply 1 Vulnerable (and 1 Weak). Whenever you play an Attack, deal 3 damage to ALL enemies.
LionheartRareAttack3(thetemplar:Inscribe 1 thetemplar:Valor.)Deal 9 damage to a random enemy for each thetemplar:Valor thetemplar:Inscribed this combat.
Paragon FormRarePower3Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) thetemplar:Blessing effects always trigger. Whenever you trigger a thetemplar:Blessing, draw a card.
Ringing ChallengeRareSkill2 (1)Innate. Ethereal. ALL enemies become thetemplar:Empowered and grant thetemplar:Greater_Rewards at the end of combat. Exhaust.
Sacred HammerRarePower2thetemplar:Holy_Weapon. The first attack you play each turn deals double damage (and costs 0).
SquireRareSkill1(Innate.)Choose a card in your draw pile. Add a copy of that card to your hand.
Staggering AweRareSkill2Stun (Remove all Artifact from) the enemy (, then Stun it). Exhaust.
VanguardRareAttack1Gain 5 Block. Deal 5 damage. Permanently increase this card's Block and damage by 1 (2). Exhaust.
VirtueRareSkill2 (1)thetemplar:Inscribe 2 thetemplar:Charity. Exhaust. thetemplar:Blessing: does not exhaust.

The Templar relics

Code Of ChivalryStarterBlessed_templar_blueAt the start of each combat, thetemplar:Inscribe1thetemplar:Valor.A list of rules for a knight of the order to follow.
Dragon's ScaleCommonBlessed_templar_blueGain 1thetemplar:Bulwark at the start of each turn.It glints in the light and feels slightly warm to the touch.
Fighter's RingCommonBlessed_templar_blueGain 2Vigor at the start of each turn.You feel a very slight power emanating from this ring. Or do you?
Bottled QuicksilverUncommonBlessed_templar_blueChoose a card. Whenever you play it, draw 1 card.A mysterious liquid metal is sealed tightly inside.
Gilded EggUncommonBlessed_templar_blueThe next 2 times you add a Rare card to your deck, it is Upgraded.The gold shell appears priceless. What riches could be inside?
King's CrownRareBlessed_templar_blueUpon pickup, choose and add an Upgraded card to your deck.The crown of his majesty, the sovereign king.
ReliquaryRareBlessed_templar_blueThe first 2 times you draw a Status or Curse each combat, Exhaust it and draw a card.A sacred relic containing the remains of the First Templar.
ApocryphaBossBlessed_templar_blueReplaces CodeofChivalry.thetemplar:Inscribe a random Glyph at the start of each turn.Ancient texts, once lost, now ignored.
Divine ChaliceBossBlessed_templar_blueStart each combat with 3Regen,1Strength, and 1Dexterity.Long lost and long sought after.
Prayer BeadsBossBlessed_templar_blueGain [E] the first time you trigger a thetemplar:Blessing each turn.Used in various liturgies and canticles of the order.
Runed ArmorShopBlessed_templar_blueDoubles the effectiveness of your glyph match bonuses.A breastplate with strangely glowing runes.

The Templar potions

Potion of LoreCommonChoose a glyph to Inscribe.
Stalwart FlaskUncommonGain 8Bulwark, and Bulwark is retained this turn.
Annointing OilRareChoose a HolyWeapon card to add to your hand, it costs 0 this turn.

The Templar keywords

BlessingIf you have exactly 5 cards in hand when you play this, trigger the effect.
BulwarkAt the end of turn, gain Block equal to your Bulwark then reduce it by half.
thetemplar:CharityGain 5 Block when paired. Match bonus: remove all of your debuffs.
EmpoweredAn enemy is empowered if it has any Strength, Regenerate, Metallicize, Plated Armor, or increased Max Health.
thetemplar:FortitudeGain 3Bulwark when paired. Match bonus: gain 4Bulwark.
Greater RewardsNormalcombat: upgrade a random card in your deck. Elitecombat: receive a random common relic. Bosscombat: Gain 5 Max HP. Doesnotstack
Holy WeaponYou may only have one HolyWeapon power active at a time. Playing a new one will replace the previous.
InscribeWhen you inscribe 2Glyphs, trigger their effects and remove them. A matching pair triggers a bonus effect.
thetemplar:JusticeDeals 4 damage to ALL enemies when paired. Match bonus: deal 4 damage to ALL enemies.
thetemplar:ValorGain 5Vigor when paired. Match bonus: gain 2Strength.
thetemplar:ZealDraw 1 card when paired. Match bonus: gain [E] .

The Templar creatures

the TemplarPlayer75